Meet the Gudgeons Prentice Team

Michelle Ellis

Michelle Ellis

Solicitor & Collaborative Lawyer

Family & Divorce

Michelle has over 30 years’ experience in family law and deals with a wide variety of family law matters including:

  • Divorce

  • Cohabitee disputes

  • Finances including property, businesses, pensions, and inheritance

  • Children disputes including with whom the children shall live, spend time with, and specific issues

  • Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements

  • Cohabitation agreements

  • Change of Name Deeds

  • Special Guardianship

Michelle is a member of Resolution, a national organisation whose members support a code of practice to resolve disputes in a constructive and non-confrontational way.

As well as being a ‘traditional’ solicitor, Michelle is also a Collaborative Lawyer, which involves having face to face meetings with the other party and their collaborative lawyer and agreeing not to start contested court proceedings.

During her spare time, Michelle enjoys socialising with family and friends; horse riding; family holidays abroad; classic car shows; reading a good crime novel; sudoku and other puzzling; paddle boarding and canoeing; and watching Norwich City FC (much to other member of staff’s disgust!).

Contact Michelle


How can we help you?

At Gudgeons Prentice our friendly team of experts have the expertise to help you with any legal issues you may be facing. Get in touch today by phone, email or by completing our enquiry form and our team will be happy to help.