Family & Divorce Solicitors in Suffolk
Relationship breakdowns and family problems are difficult for all involved. Our clients value that we allow them the time to talk through their problems and support them throughout the process, whilst taking the stress out of the situation.
Professional Family & Divorce Lawyers in Stowmarket
Relationship breakdowns (with the various implications they have relating to children, money, property, pensions etc.) and other family problems are difficult times for everyone involved. It is often necessary for decisions to be made at a time when you are least able to think things through clearly and logically.
At Gudgeons Prentice our clients value the fact that we allow them the time to talk through their problems at their own pace, treat them as individuals and support them throughout the process.
The Matrimonial and Family Law team has many years’ experience in helping clients through stressful times, and this enables them to understand the situations that clients find themselves in, and advise throughout the process with empathy to enable clients to make informed decisions.
Details of Resolution, and other helpful information about family law, can be found at www.resolution.org.uk
Our Family & Divorce team can support you with:
Issues relating to children
Finances - including income, capital, pension and business disputes
Consent orders
Separation agreements
Cohabitation agreements
(but not on a contested basis - ie through court)
Pre-nuptial agreements
Domestic violence
(however we do not offer Legal Aid/Public Funding)
Expert legal services for individuals and businesses across Suffolk
The Family & Divorce Team
Michelle Ellis
Solicitor & Collaborative Lawyer
Stella Robbins, LL.B.
Family Solicitor
How can we help you?
At Gudgeons Prentice our friendly team of experts have the expertise to help you with any legal issues you may be facing. Get in touch today by phone, email or by completing our enquiry form and our team will be happy to help.